While the ball is in play, coaches, substitutes and authorized attendants in the team area may not be between the sideline and coaching line or on the field of play.Enforced as a dead ball foul (succeeding spot).
1st - 5 yards
2nd - 5 yards
3rd - 15 yards
In addition, Rule 9-1-5a states:
No substitute, coach, authorized attendant or any person subject to the rules, other than a player or official, may interfere in any way with the ball, a player or an official while the ball is in play.Enforced as a dead ball foul (succeeding spot) - 15 yards
In the real world, we work with the coaches and ask the same from them. The rules aren't enforced to keep them from doing their job, but rather for everyone's safety. In 2007, the enforcement for the 1st flag was a warning. In 2008, the warning was replaced with a 5 yard penalty for the 1st flag. Flank officials work "off the field" and need the room to do their job and having coaches and players in the restricted zone creates a real safety issue. Picky? Hardly, just ask these officials.
Fort Worth Star Telegram:
By TROY PHILLIPS As if officiating football games in Texas wasn't difficult enough, now comes a case navigating the San Antonio district courts that could have a chilling effect on the men in zebra stripes. On Oct. 27, 2006, a workers' compensation insurance carrier for the San Antonio school district filed a $10 million lawsuit against five officials....Here's what can happen.
This is not the way to handle sideline control.
If coaches are on the field, throw the flag.